How To Install Snow Leopard On To A Mac Mini?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 328 times


 How To Install Snow Leopard On To A Mac Mini?

1 Answer


There are three phases to this procedure:

  • Start by booting from the Snow Leopard installation DVD.
  • Delete all data from the hard disc.
  • Install Snow Leopard on the hard disc that has been deleted.

To boot from the Snow Leopard installation DVD, follow these steps:

  1. Place the Snow Leopard Install DVD in the optical drive of your Mac.
  2. The Mac OS X Install DVD window appears once the Snow Leopard DVD has been mounted on the desktop. If it doesn't, go to the desktop and double-click the DVD icon.
  3. Double-click the Install Mac OS X icon in the Mac OS X Install DVD window.
  4. The Install Mac OS X window appears, giving you two choices. You have the option of continuing with a regular upgrade installation or using the utilities provided on the installation DVD. Select Utilities from the drop-down menu.
  5. iThe Snow Leopard installer informs you that, to use the supplied utilities, you must restart the Mac and boot from the DVD. Click Restart.

Delete the data from the hard drive

You'll utilize Disk Utility from the Snow Leopard installation for this phase. Here's how to do it:

  1. The Snow Leopard installer will ask you which language you wish to use as the primary language once you restart your Mac. Make your choice and then press the right arrow key.
  2. The Mac OS X Install screen appears. Select Utilities from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Utilities > Disk Utilities from the Apple menu bar.
  4. Disk Utilities is now available. Select A hard disc that can be formatted.
  5. Select Quit from the Disk Utility menu after you're done using it. You'll be sent back to the Snow Leopard Installer to finish the process.

Install Snow Leopard in its entirety.

Follow the Snow Leopard basic installation steps to finish the process. You now have a clean Snow Leopard installation using a process that is similar to the Erase and Installs option in prior versions of OS X.

answered 3 years ago by Hitesh Vohra

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