How to become super rich?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 797 times

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Well, being super rich could have different meanings for different people. Some may be just accumulating wealth and be poor in their psychological state of mind. Some may be rich in words but not in practice; after all there are various kinds of circumstances. You can define “rich” in different ways. There are a lot of people who simply consider it as having a lot of money. For them, rich is equivalent to a being a millionaire. But keeping the psychological well-being in mind, being rich would be defined as being able to live without the worry of money.

Here are some bold steps which one can take to be super rich:

1. Make a list of all the skills you are good at. Now, since you are only ‘good’ at them, you may need to do a lot of improvement to make yourself ‘better’. So, start investing in yourself today itself. After a regular day of work, try to sit in a peaceful place to relax and think about what all you could do to improve your state of being. After you start working on them, it will be easier for you to find the ways to make money out of it. At initial stages it may be nothing but later on in life, it will pay you back heavily. Because you can only work 10-12 hours on something that you love doing, and you are definitely good at.

2. SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Saving doesn’t mean to accumulate all the wealth that you earn and lock it up in a bank, saving means to keep aside small amount of money from whatever you have regularly and do not touch it. Make it a habit. It could be as small as Rs. 50. Cut your expenses for a few early years of your life…you can always enjoy luxury later.

3. After you start saving, then do some research about trading and investment stocks and start to invest in shares & stocks. List out good investments or consult experts if required, but DO IT. This is one of the boldest and most important one needs to start as soon as he/she is employed.

4. Buying, developing and selling property has always been a major way for people to accumulate capital. You have to select the right properties in the right areas and develop them wisely.

5. Practice being an inventor, an innovator than just being an employee. Think about all the creative ideas through which you could help the society. Then make a move towards selling your invention. Also, you could start a business/startup of your own and then build it enough to get good investment out of it.

6. Most importantly, one needs to follow the direction where his/her soul finds love and relaxation. If you don’t choose the right vehicle to move on, you would probably end up in wrong destination.

answered 3 years ago by Anonymous User

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