What is the Quantum Physics in science world ?

Asked 12-Sep-2018
Viewed 932 times

1 Answer


Quantum physics is the branch of physics that deals with the study of quantum theory and it explain the fundamental nature of matter and energy.

                                           What is the Quantum Physics in science world ?

Quantum theory
The quantum nature is the study of matter in its very basic and fundamental forms. We can understand it clearly with the example of any building that is made with the help of many materials like concrete, bricks, etc. so here the study of the basic point of the building is the study of individually the concrete and bricks.
Similarly in the existence of nature, there is huge matter present in the universe and the electrons and protons are the very least particles present in it. Hence the study of the smallest particle can be said as the understanding of the behavior of the quantum nature.

Origin of quantum physics
It can be observed from several experiments in the 1800s and 1900s of the nature of the atom but these all were not seemed to be fit as per the standard.
In the further experiments, the study of the energy and matter was going on than the concept of the quanta which is the small number of bundles which are packed with the matter in the form of energy and it delivers it in the minimum form and this can’t be further divided into sub smaller units and these bundles of the package are called the ‘quanta’ in Latin words it means ‘how much’
Some other principles helped in the development of quantum physics in the science world. Some of those are as follows

Examples of the Quantum physics
Free particle
A free particle is which is not influenced by any other forces. In a single spatial dimension, the simplest example of the free particle is the position degree of that particle and the Hamiltonian consists only of its Kinetic energy at that time.

Harmonic Oscillator
In classical mechanics, a harmonic oscillator is a system in which, when it is displaced from its equilibrium position it experiences a restoring force F which will be proportional to the displacement X.

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