What is the mean of Nanotechnology in science world ?

Asked 6 years ago
Updated 6 years ago
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Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter which is in the form of the nanoscale. The dimensions are approximately about 1-100 nanometers.

                                            What is the mean of Nanotechnology in science world ?

Nanotechnology is called in the short term as nanotech is the use of matter in the form of the atomic, molecular, and supramolecular structure to the industrial level.

The national technology initiative defined nanotechnology as the manipulation of matter which has at least one face which ranges from 1 – 100 nanometers. And this definition of nanotechnology is giving us a broad perspective rather than only the size matter. But it gives the use of any matter property on an industrial scale.

Also, the simple definition of nanotechnology is here which says that this is the study and application of very small things and it can be used in all other fields of sciences such as physics, chemistry, technology, and engineering.

Starting of this technology
The main concept and idea of the Nanosciences and technology evolve from the American Physical Society Meeting at the California Institute of Technology. Here in this meeting the great Physicist Richard Feynman started a talk with all and the word entitled as ‘There is plenty of room at the bottom'.

On 29 December 1959, Feynman explained the definition as this is the process by which scientists can manipulate and control individual atoms and molecules. Later on, the ultraprecision explanation was given by Professor Norio Taniguchi term the word ‘Nanotechnology’ in 1981. It was not used before 1981. This was the period when the era started the use of the microscope which is used in minifying the matter.
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answered 3 years ago by Sanjay Goenka

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