5G or Fifth Generation is a technology that will work on the fast mobile broadband network about 2 years from now. The 5G network will give the speed of 20Gbps. Now 4G networks can give the speed of 1Gbps. Understand that in a way you will carry a fiber optic connection in your pocket.
In the past three years 4g network strongly got established in our country and now the teleoperators from all around the world are very soon going to install the 5g networks too.
Experts believe that the way to become a fully connected society5G technology will open.
This will extend to services like Machine-to-Machine Communication (M2M), Internet of Things (IoT), connected smart cities, self-driving cars, remote control surgeries, and virtual reality. For example, with the help of Wired and Wireless Device Sensors from M2M Technologies, they can communicate with each other.

People with 5G can connect their home with electronics, software or sensor technology to wireless networks. For example, security systems from home can be controlled remotely via a wireless network.
It is expected that by the year 2019, the 5G trial will start on a large scale. In the US AT & T and Verizon have started the trial of 5g. Verizon corporation is working with Swedish company Ericsson to test 5G fixed wireless service in 11 markets in the US. The services commerce may also be launched next year. American telecom regulator FCC has prepared plans to launch 5G in the US by 2020. In Japan, DoCoMo and Intel will start a trial of 5G next year in Central Tokyo.