What year was Bunsen Burner invented and how?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 1907 times

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The ‘Bunsen Burner’ was invented by “Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen” in the year 1855. The name Bunsen Burner was given in the honor of the German Chemist and inventor scientist of the device.

What year was Bunsen Burner invented and how?
He was a researcher and professor both at the ‘University of Heidelberg’. He developed various gas-analytical methods. He developed Bunsen Burner with his lab assistant Peter Desaga. It was a much improved version of burners that were used in laboratories at that time. The Bunsen Burner is only used for laboratory purpose to heat, sterilize, and combustion purposes at the experimental level only.
Originally the Bunsen Burner was not made by Robert Bunsen completely. The story of the invention of the Bunsen Burner and claiming that he didn’t make the device will be clear through this story. In 1852, Bunsen was working in University of Heidelberg, as a Supervisor of the Laboratory. He experienced some inconvenience with the flame of his usual burner while conducting the experiment. So, he decided to make a good burner which doesn’t cause any inconvenience in the experiment, safe to use and burn the flame evenly.
So, to solve his this problem, he asked his laboratory assistant Peter Desaga to design a new burner which is safe to use and does not cause this type of inconvenience while performing the experiment. He instructed him to make a safe, clean, non-luminous and controllable air burner with all these features. As well as, he provided a rough design to his lab assistant of the apparatus. The assistant works over the design and made a quality burner. It attracted the eye of other researchers in the University. Soon, many of the researchers in his University adopted the design and it became famous in all the laboratories. In this way, the design gets acceptance from the public as well and the design gets the name of Robert Bunsen and his assistance for its invention.

answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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