What is the main role of Nellie Sengupta in India's independence?

Asked 6 years ago
Updated 6 years ago
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What is the main role of Nellie Sengupta in India's independence?

1 Answer


Nellie was one of the conspicuous English ladies who battled for autonomous India. She later turned into the leader of the Indian National Congress at the 47th yearly meeting at Kolkata in 1933.

Sengupta was one of the noticeable English ladies who battled for India's autonomy. She wasn't conceived in India yet settled in the nation after her marriage. She later turned into the leader of the Indian National Congress at the 47th yearly meeting at Kolkata in 1933. Regardless of her commitment in India's opportunity battle, her name is lost someplace in the pages of history.

At the point when Mahatma Gandhi required the Non-Cooperation Movement in 1921, she alongside her significant other took an interest in it. Jatin was accepted to be a nearby assistant of Gandhi. Supporting her significant other in the development, she went from entryway to entryway to sell Khadi items. She was sent to prison for ignoring the sets of the British. When Jatin was captured during the Assam-Bengal Railwaymen's strike, she challenged the request for the area specialists and assembled up a conference against the decision government. In 1931, Nellie was detained for four months for talking unlawfully in Delhi gathering. After two years, her better half was imprisoned in Ranchi and kicked the bucket in 1933.

Nellie was delegated as the President of Congress when numerous senior chiefs of the gathering were captured during Salt Satyagraha. She turned into the third lady to be chosen for the post. After India got the opportunity, she moved to her significant other's home in East Pakistan (presently, Bangladesh). On the then executive Indira Gandhi's request, she took care of the interests of the Hindu minority in East Pakistan. For quite a while, she filled in as one of the individuals from the Minority Board.

In 1972, she got harmed in the hip and after Indira's mediation, she was brought to India for treatment. She was given appropriate clinical consideration and her costs were borne by the Indian government however lamentably couldn't recuperate. She inhaled her keep going on October 23, 1973, in Kolkata.

answered 4 years ago by Anonymous User

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