What were Sagarmal Gopa major contribution in India's independence?

Asked 6 years ago
Updated 6 years ago
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What were Sagarmal Gopa major contribution in India's independence?

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Answer :

What were Sagarmal Gopa major contribution in India

Sagarmal Gopal (3 November 1900 – 4 April 1946) was a prominent Indian freedom fighter who hailed from Rajasthan. He took an active part in the Non-Cooperation movement lead by Mahatma Gandhi and strongly opposed the Britishers. 

He also took an opposing stand against the ruler of Jaislamer which came under Rajasthan. For this, he was expelled from Jaisalmer and Hyderabad. After returning in 1945 he was arrested and was tortured in the prison. After he did not give up to them, they burnt him alive and got martyred for the holy motherland.

answered 5 years ago by Anonymous User

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