How social media is creating conflict in our social life?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 876 times

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Social media is associated with great advantages and scopes yet it is successful in running our social life.
A biggest drawback is it's biggest merit- keeping people in touch at the cost of creating distance with the people sitting beside us. On daily basis it helps in connecting with people from different parts of the world but fails to uphold the existing relationships around us. Inspite of making a useful use of this new media we are letting ourselves in a grip of nomophobia.  
How social media is creating conflict in our social life?
Although it presents us educational, economical, strategical advantages yet it is capable of spoiling our activities.
For instance, budding writers requiring mobile phones to post their quotes or write-ups and ignoring the power of pen and paper. Though it's good that our write-ups are taking form of digital content and yeilding excessive views but it is replacing the need of making records in books or diaries.
How social media is creating conflict in our social life?
A type of conflict is arising due to its introduction between a social life and traditional life.
Our 2GB data pack can help us in many other ways too but again we end up indulging in an unhealthy binges.
We are forgetting the importance of outdoor games and activities due to the arrival of socially promoted games. Instead of enjoying the fragrance of food we get busy in posting its pictures and videos on social media. We are sharing our meals, habits, happiness and sadness achievements and honours with virtual society and expecting solutions and appreciations from them. 
On the one hand it is helpful in raising voices and opinions and on the other hand conflicts over opinions are emerging.  
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answered 5 years ago by Saddiya Anwar

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