who wrote the Fragile Frontiers: The Secret History of Mumbai Terror Attacks and When?

Asked 6 years ago
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who wrote the Fragile Frontiers: The Secret History of Mumbai Terror Attacks and When?

1 Answer


Saroj Kumar Rath's book Fragile Frontiers: The Secret History of the Mumbai Terror Attacks was published by Routledge in London in August 2014 and was simultaneously released in India and the United States. The book is about terrorism in South Asia, with a focus on the Mumbai terrorist attacks of 2008. Saroj Kumar Rath's Fragile Frontiers is a threadbare investigation of the variety of problems surrounding the Mumbai terror attacks of November 26, 2008. It is an extensively annotated, liberally footnoted research paper.

who wrote the Fragile Frontiers: The Secret History of Mumbai Terror Attacks and When?

It investigates the why and who of the attacks, as well as how a small group of assailants was able to carry out many attacks with such precision and cruelty, and, most critically, how the security apparatus failed to notice and prevent the attacks. Nine locations, all crowded public spaces, ten men, and three nightmare days that Mumbaikars, Indians in general, and the rest of the world will never forget. 

'The book goes on to raise various doubts concerning the manner the investigations into the 26/11 attacks were handled, and the relatively superficial charge sheet submitted in the case,' according to the Times of India. 'The book is refreshingly honest, extensively researched, and digs deep under the skin of the event with toothcomb precision,' The Hindu wrote in its appraisal. The sharp inquiry and detail distinguish this writing from all others that have appeared in the aftermath of the event.'

The prosecution, according to The Secret History of the Mumbai Terror Attacks, 'relieved the genuine offenders behind the actual crime.' The charge sheet does not include the name of ISI, and the LeT is likewise vaguely described.' 'The most well-written book about the Mumbai terror attacks,' according to the author.

answered 3 years ago by Harshal Vispute

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