When was the The God of Small Things written?

Asked 6 years ago
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When was the The God of Small Things  written?

1 Answer


Arundhati Roy's novel The God of Small Things is a family drama set in India. It's Roy's first book. It's a story of fraternal twins whose lives are turned upside down by the 'Love Laws,' which dictate 'who should be loved, how, and how much.'

The book investigates how little details influence people's behavior and lives. The novel is particularly ironic in its portrayal of casteism, which is a prevalent form of prejudice in India. In 1997, it was awarded the Booker Prize.

Roy's debut novel, The God of Small Things, was published in 1997 and remained his only novel until the release of The Ministry of Utmost Happiness in 2017. She started writing The God of Small Things in 1992 and completed it four years later, in 1996.

The next year, it was released. Pankaj Mishra, an editor at HarperCollins, saw the story's promise and recommended it to three British publishers. Roy was paid a £500,000 advance, and the book's rights were sold in 21 countries.

With an awful feeling of foreboding and inevitability, the wonderfully constructed tale uncoils. Nothing, however, prepares you for the heart of the matter.

Love, Madness, and Hope are among the Big Themes tackled by the God of Small Things. Infinite Happiness. Here's a writer who isn't afraid to defy convention. To dislocate established rhythms and develop the language she demands, which is both traditional and unique.

Arundhati Roy has produced a work that is full with humour and magic, as well as suffering. Arundhati Roy's book is published by Random House Trade Paperbacks and was released on December 16, 2008.

answered 3 years ago by Harshal Vispute

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