How is America impacted by the superficial prosperity of the 1920s?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 340 times


How is America impacted by the superficial prosperity of the 1920s?

1 Answer


Creating Great Quantities of Goods
Numerous assembling organizations were being made
Chain stores were offering garments, sustenance, and medications, and they were spreading rapidly
Banks could stretch out inside the urban areas they were initially found
Specialists and chiefs were accepting a bigger hole of pay ress organizations, railways, and ranchers weren't exceptionally prosperous. On account of new machines, more sustenance was being created than could be devoured, and nourishment offering costs were dropping
How is America impacted by the superficial prosperity of the 1920s?
Purchasing Goods on Credit

The Installment Plan enabled individuals to purchase items without utilizing cash at the present time since banks gave the cash at low loan costs
Some were stressed that the Installment Plan was an indication of shortcoming and was shallow success
An entrepreneur composed a letter to President Coolidge recounting a discussion he heard. It read as takes after:

President Coolidge has been chosen for his cheapness, yet the residents were presently getting to be lighthearted. Most Americans were exceptionally content with their present lives. They didn't fear the future by any stretch of the imagination.

answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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