What caused the Cold War to re-escalate following the SALT I Treaty?

Asked 6 years ago
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What caused the Cold War to re-escalate following the SALT I Treaty?

1 Answer


Salt I treaty which is also known as Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) was signed on 26 May 1972 for a duration of 5 years between the Soviet Union and the United States. Soviet Prez Leonid Brezhnev and his US counterpart President Richard Nixon were known as hardline Cold War warriors. Despite having anguish for other by the year 1972, they started diplomatic talks to resolve their bitterness.
The negotiations between both countries began in November 1969 with agreement on the documents (1) Anti-Ballistic Missiles Treaty (ABM Treaty) and the Interim Agreement on the limitation of Strategic Arms. The Salt I treaty was the first agreement to delimit the number of nuclear weapons.
Soviet and American government during the Cold war regime were involved in a mad rush behind nuclear armament. USSR had continued its development and deployment of heavy Ballistic missiles and had overtaken US. During the treaty, I period itself Soviet Union raised its ICBM from 1000 to 1500 and were deployed at the rate of 200 annually. The number of submarines was quadrupled by the Soviet Union. The United States had not enhanced its missile system since 1967 but it had a vigorous program of equipping missiles with “Multiple independently targeted re-entry vehicles” (MIRV).
It was an attempt to prevent these two superpowers from landing into another World War. Even though SALT I was signed but armament was not stopped by either of three countries. The SALT Treaty I did not serve its motive as either of the countries adhered to its principles. As the agreement froze the total number of Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM), but replacement of old missiles with a new one was permitted.
It, however, could not serve the cause and both countries had fear of Cold war circumventing. But in achieving the actual goal both superpowers began the talk with SALT II treaty in the same year. President Gerald Ford and Brezhnev agreed to the term of agreement of treaty in the year 1974. President Jimmy Carter sent the SALT Ii treaty to the US Senate for its consent and ratification.
answered 6 years ago by ASHUTOSH PANDEY

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