What treaty ceded Florida to the US?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 488 times

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Florida- An overview

Florida is located in the southern part of the united states. To the state's west lies the Gulf of Mexico, and to the east lies the Bahamas. The north is bordered by Georgia, and the south by the strait of Florida and Cuba. The total population of Florida is around 21 million.

What treaty ceded Florida to the US?

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Florida- History, and geographical features

It is spread across an area of about 65 thousand square miles. For the last 15 thousand years, the state of Florida has been inhabited by Native American groups. The first European to walk the ground of Florida was the Spanish explorer Juan ponce de Leon in 1513. he named the region La Florida for its serene beauty and greenery.

St. Augustine, a colony in Florida, inhabited by Spanish Europeans, was founded in 1565. It continues to be the oldest regularly inhabited city in Florida.

Both Spain and Great Britain wanted to take over the territory of Florida. However, it was finally ceded to the united states in the year1819 as the 27th state of the US.

Florida was the prime destination for the Seminole wars of 1816-1858.
What treaty ceded Florida to the US?

The Adam-Onis Treaty
The adam onis treaty was an agreement made to cede the state of Florida by the united stated to the Spanish government. After several years of negotiation, the US secretary of state, John Quincy Adams, finally agreed to sign the Florida purchase treaty. Hence, Florida was officially bought by the united states from the Spanish government on 22nd February 1819.

The treaty was also known as the transcontinental and the treaty de cession.

The united states approved the original version of the treaty on 22nd February 1821. Mexico inherited Texas from Spain.

answered 2 years ago by Sarda Kumari

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