Due to their desire for a theocracy what was at the center of New England life?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 1237 times


Due to their desire for a theocracy what was at the center of New England life?

1 Answer


The church was the center of life in New England during the time of Puritans. Society was to be represented by Biblical qualities. Each grown-up male could talk in the congregation gatherings. The Church gatherings were an early type of majority rule government. Everything in the network was chosen by the Church committees. Who the teacher would be and the educational programs were chosen in the congregation. These issues would not be thought to be issues to be chosen by the congregation when of the American Revolution.

Due to their desire for a theocracy what was at the center of New England life?

The Church Meetings came to be supplanted by the Town gatherings. A similar type of early majority rule government was spoken to in the New England Town gatherings. Each grown-up male could talk in the Town Meetings. Everything from choosing to repair an extension to entering the Revolutionary war was chosen in the Town Meetings. 

The Great Awakening debilitated the intensity of the sorted out chapel and a religious government. The Great Awakening reinforced the dependence on the Bible as a hotspot for qualities to oversee society and the act of majority rules system.

“All the best”

answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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