How were Loyalists treated? What did this harsh treatment cause Loyalists to do?

Asked 6 years ago
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How were Loyalists treated? What did this harsh treatment cause Loyalists to do?

1 Answer


Overview-The loyalists:

Loyalists, also called Tories, were loyal to the British crown for several reasons. They were primarily upper class, lived in cities, and wanted to keep their land and wealth. Many had valuable ties with the British crown and had government jobs. Loyalists believed in peaceful agreement but were met with mistrust and insults because they had no belief in the cause of the Patriots. 

How were Loyalists treated? What did this harsh treatment cause Loyalists to do?

Treatment received by the loyalists
During the American Revolution, there were instances of people being beaten up by gangs who would come to their houses and insult them for being on the wrong side. It has to be said that some loyalists were able to lie low and go about their business and try not to say too much about politics. But if you were living on the front lines of these advancing armies going back and forth across the colonies, it could be a difficult choice and a difficult situation.

Loyalists' reaction to the treatment:
Loyalists who lived in areas that were under control by the patriots were in constant danger from radical patriots. Many of the loyalists lost their homes and businesses due to the patriots. Many of the loyalists left the country and went back to Britain. Others decided to help the British fight against the patriots. Loyalists were the colonists that felt that a strong British Empire was beneficial for all and that, as British subjects, they must obey the laws of the British Empire. They did not believe in any cause of the patriots. Thus the loyalists had to suffer a lot.

answered 2 years ago by Sarda Kumari

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