An Overview-Colonists
As Britain attempted to control the colonies through taxes and regulations, the strive for independence started across the 13 Colonies. The colonists who favored independence from Great Britain were known as Patriots. Those who favored remaining tied to Britain as Colonies were known as Loyalists. Americans who did not agree with both beliefs and could not choose any side were known as Neutrals.

Colonists had many reasons for whichever side they decided to choose. For example, farmers often chose to join the side that their
landowner supported. Those who might have a large debt owed to British creditors may have decided to choose the Patriot side in hopes that their debts would be removed.
Loyalists, also called Tories, were loyal to the British crown for several reasons. They were primarily upper class, lived in cities, and wanted to keep their
land and wealth. Many had valuable ties with the British crown and had government jobs. Loyalists believed in peaceful agreement but were met with mistrust and insults because they had no belief in the cause of the Patriots.

Beliefs of the loyalists
Loyalists were the colonists that felt that a strong British Empire was beneficial for all and that, as British subjects, they must obey the laws
of the British Empire. They were of the opinion that the taxes would have favorable benefits like increased protection and profit through trade. They felt that America was not strong enough on its own and would not be able to self-govern like Britain. It was due to these reasons which the loyalists supported the taxes imposed by the
British crown.