What event resulted in the Compromise of 1850 ?

Asked 6 years ago
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What event resulted in the Compromise of 1850 ?

1 Answer


*The Compromise of 1850*

What event resulted in the Compromise of 1850 ?

Divisions over servitude in territory picked up in the Mexican-American (1846-1848). War was settled in the Compromise of 1850. It comprised of laws conceding California as a free state, making Utah and New Mexico regions with the topic of servitude in each to be dictated by prevalent power, settling a Texas-New Mexico limit debate in the previous' support, finishing the slave exchange Washington, D.C., and making it simpler for southerners to recuperate outlaw slaves.

The trade-off was the last real inclusion in national undertakings of Senators Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, and John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, Henry Clay of Kentucky, every one of whom had extraordinary professions in the Senate. Calhoun passed on that year, and Clay and Webster two years after the fact.

What event resulted in the Compromise of 1850 ?

At initially, Clay presented an omnibus bill covering these measures. Calhoun assaulted the arrangement and requested that the North stop its endeavors to restrain servitude. By sponsorship Clay in a discourse conveyed on 7th of March, Webster offended his onetime abolitionist supporters. Representative William H. Seward of New York restricted trade-off and earned an undeserved notoriety for radicalism by asserting that a "higher law" than the Constitution required the checking of subjugation. President Zachary Taylor contradicted the trade-off, yet his demise on 9th of July made compromise VP Millard Fillmore of New York president. By the by, the Senate crushed the omnibus bill.

Congressperson Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois at that point split the omnibus proposition into singular bills so congressmen could decline or vote on each, contingent upon their interests. They all passed, and Fillmore marked them. The trade-off empowered Congress to maintain a strategic distance from sectional and subjection issues for quite a long while.


answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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