These kinds of symptoms are often exhibited by the Patients under attack of dengue virus under severe conditions. Dengue virus (DENV) is the cause of dengue fever. It is a mosquito-borne single positive-stranded RNA virus of the family Flaviviridae.

Common names for dengue fever include breakbone fever and dandy fever; dengue hemorrhagic fever ([DHF] and dengue shock syndrome (DSS) are the severe forms. Dengue is found in tropical and sub-tropical climates worldwide, mostly in urban and semi-urban areas. People of all ages who are exposed to infected mosquitoes can get dengue fever. The disease occurs most often during the rainy season in areas with high numbers of infected mosquitoes. Only infected mosquitoes transmit dengue virus. The virus is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female mosquitoes. The incubation period is 3 to 14 days. The period of illness is 3–7 days. A person with dengue fever is not contagious. Signs and symptoms may include severe headache; retroorbital pain; muscle, joint, and bone pain; macular or maculopapular rash; and minor hemorrhagic manifestations, including petechiae, ecchymosis, purpura, epistaxis, bleeding gums, hematuria, or a positive tourniquet test result.

Thi virus causes severe plummet in the body platelet count. This condition of reduced platelets is known as thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia or low platelet count is a lower than normal number of platelets (less than 150,000 platelets per microliter) in the blood.
Thrombocytopenic symptoms may include:
• Petechiae (superficial tiny areas of bleeding into the skin resulting in small reddish spots)
• Fatigue
• Purpura (easy or excessive bruising)
• Prolonged bleeding cuts
• Spontaneous bleeding from the gums or nose.
Individuals should seek medical care if they have one or more these symptoms. Doctors that may be consulted for thrombocytopenia include emergency medicine, internal medicine, hematologists, and immunologists. Diagnosis of thrombocytopenia is confirmed by blood tests that determine platelet count. Treatment of thrombocytopenia varies depending on the cause and the severity of the condition. Complications of thrombocytopenia can be severe (organ damage and death). Depending upon the cause, thrombocytopenia may be prevented. However, many causes may not be preventable. If treated early and effectively, the prognosis for thrombocytopenia is usually good. However, if diagnosed later in the disease process, or if HIT is the cause, the prognosis decreases.