Name of vegetable which is also known as a flower?

Asked 6 years ago
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Name of vegetable which is also known as a flower?

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* Cauliflower*
Name of vegetable which is also known as a flower?
It is one of a few vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea in the class Brassica, which is in the family Brassicaceae. It is a yearly plant that replicates by seed. Normally, just the head is eaten – the palatable white tissue at times called "curd" (comparable in appearance to cheddar curd). The cauliflower head is made out of a white inflorescence meristem. Cauliflower heads take after those in broccoli, which varies in having bloom buds as the eatable segment. Brassica oleracea likewise incorporates broccoli, Brussels grows, cabbage, collard greens, and kale, by and large, called "cole" crops, however, they are of various cultivar gatherings.
Pliny's depictions likely allude to the blossoming leaders of a prior developed assortment of Brassica oleracea, yet verges on portraying present day cauliflower. It is found in the compositions of the Arab botanists Ibn al-'Awwam and Ibn al-Baitar, in the twelfth and thirteenth hundreds of years when its roots were said to be Cyprus.
François Pierre La Varenne utilized chouxfleurs in Le cuisinier françois. They were acquainted with France from Genoa in the sixteenth century, and are highlighted in Olivier de Serres' Théâtre de l'agriculture (1600), as cauli-fiori "as the Italians call it, which are still fairly uncommon in France; they hold a decent place in the garden on account of their delicacy", however they didn't regularly show up on excellent tables until the season of Louis XIV. It was acquainted with India in 1822 from England by the British.
Cauliflower is generally hard to develop contrasted with cabbage, with basic issues, for example, an immature head and poor curd quality.
As climate is a constraining component for delivering cauliflower, the plant develops best in cool daytime temperatures 70– 85 °F (21– 29 °C), with ample sun, and sodden soil conditions high in natural issue and sandy soils. The earliest development workable for cauliflower is 7 weeks to 12 weeks since I is been planted. In the northern side of the equator, fall season plantings in July may empower gathering before harvest time frost.
Long stretches of sun introduction in sweltering summer climate may cause cauliflower heads to stain with a red-purple hue.
Seeding and transplanting
Transplantable cauliflowers can be created in holders as pads, hotbeds, or in the field. In soil that is free, all around depleted and prolific, field seedlings are shallow-planted 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) and diminished by adequate space (around 12 plants for every 1 foot (30 cm). Ideal developing temperatures are around 65 °F (18 °C) when seedlings are 25 to 35 days old. Applications of compost to creating seedlings starts when leaves show up, for the most part with a starter arrangement week after week.
Transplanting to the field typically starts pre-summer and may proceed until mid-summer. Column dispersing is around 15– 18 inches (38– 46 cm). Fast vegetative development in the wake of transplanting may profit by such techniques as abstaining from spring ices, utilizing starter arrangements high in phosphorus, watering week by week, and applying fertilizer.
Scatters, bothers, and diseases
The most critical issue influencing cauliflower quality is an empty stem, hindered head development or securing, ricing, cooking and leaf-tip burn. Among significant irritations influencing cauliflower are aphids, root parasites, cutworms, moths, and bug beetles. The plant is vulnerable to dark spoil, dark leg, club root, dark leaf spot, and fleece mildew.
At the point when cauliflower is developing, heads show up as clear white, minimal, and 6– 8 inches (15– 20 cm) in distance across, and ought to be cooled not long after harvest. Forced air cooling to expel warm from the field amid sweltering climate might be required for ideal protection. Here and now stockpiling is conceivable utilizing cool, high-moistness stockpiling conditions.

answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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