Who was the founder of Brahma Samaj?

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Who was the founder of Brahma Samaj?

1 Answer


* Brahma Samaj*

Who was the founder of Brahma Samaj?

The main period of its history is personally connected up with the profession of its author Rammohun Roy (1772 - 1833). The Brahmo Samaj which was propelled into its exciting vocation on 20th of August, 1828, gave a strong articulation to Rammohun's idea of widespread love. Tarachand Chakravarti one of the pioneers of the "Youthful Bengal" assemble was designated the secretary of the association. Week after week benefit was held initially, every Saturday evening; later it was exchanged to Wednesday, a training which has been held right up 'til today at the Brahma mandir of Tagore's Shantiniketan.

It comprised of three progressive parts, viz. recitation of the Vedas by Telegu Brahmins in the closed flat solely before the Brahmin individuals from the assembly, perusing and work of the Upanishads for the general gathering of people, and singing of religious songs. This would compare precisely to the perusing of the Bible, the sermon and the songs of Christian love, and on this point, Rammohun's past Unitarian contacts had surely been of significant help by giving him a model of congregational love which was foreign to the soul of Hinduism. The parallelism, however, was kept solely to the outward frame.

Who was the founder of Brahma Samaj?

The substance of Rammohun's widespread love was completely Hindu in character. The perusing of the Vedas only before the Brahmin member does not evidently accord well with all the inclusive and non-partisan beliefs of the new church as put forward in its Trust Deed. In any case, the main overseer of Vedic customs in Calcutta right then and there was the standard Telegu Brahmin people group and its individuals couldn't be influenced to discuss the Vedas previously Brahmins and non-Brahmins alike. That Rammohun and his kindred coordinators of the gathering had no protest to the perusing of the Sruti messages before the general group of on-lookers, turns out to be obvious from theirs masterminding to have the Upanishads read and clarified before the whole assortment of admirers which other than non-Brahmins, here and there even included Christians and Muslims. This assignment was endowed to learned Bengali Brahmin pandits like Ramchandra Vidyavagis, Utsabananda Vidyavagis, Iswarchandra Nyayarata and others, were free from partialities not at all like their conventional Telegu partners.

Who was the founder of Brahma Samaj?

Post to the flight of Rammohun Roy for England in November 1830 and his demise there by September 1833, the Brahmo Samaj as on association step by step achieved a hopeless state however its name, religious philosophy, and social standards kept on living and thrive among specific gatherings in the close Calcutta. The altruism of Rammohun's companion Dwarkanath Tagore and the resolute commitment of Pandit Ram Chandra Vidyavagis empowered it, however, to hold over the time of emergency to new life was mixed into the Brahmo development by Debendranath Tagore (1817-1905),Dwarkanath's oldest child who is to be figured as the second awesome pioneer of the Samaj. Debendranath's enthusiasm for Brahmoism discovered its most punctual articulation in his establishment of the Tattwabodhini Sabha in 1839. He joined the Samaj in 1842 and was formally started into Brahmoism by Ram Chandra Vidyavagis, alongside twenty other young fellows on 21st of December, 1843 (7 Poush, 1765 Saka as per the Bengali timetable), an essential day in the social history of Bengal, still commended every year at Shantiniketan.


answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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