The way it is broadcasted. Yes, the biggest problem I have with TWD isn't TWD itself, but the way episodes are released. You see, this show is constructed in a way to be binge-watched. It doesn't have the episodic structure of procedural where they cram in every storyline and action they can at each episode.

No, this show takes a much more interesting approach, actually, it works basically like this - Build up>>Event>>Consequences. Usually, big events happen only at the certain points of the story, this is why biggest complain show gets is it being either boring or being interesting only for a couple of episodes.
This is because every time we watch an episode, we want something huge to be in it if it's not there, we just don't care about character development and we get anxious because we have to wait an entire week for another episode.
Plus waiting entire week will take away from emotional impact, and for a TV show like TWD where it is all about emotions, this is a huge problem. If episodes were released in a Netflix type of way, where the entire season is released in a day, it would've made a huge difference on audience's perception in my opinion.
This is why I rewatch this show every year to see if I liked the season or not. It's like a painting, imagine that you see only 1 part of it per week, and the next part and next part, but you never see the full painting, only the parts, and it ruins the experience.
Other than that, I think the show is still great, it still has one of the best character works I've seen in TV, it still explores interesting themes and ideas, and I am still pumped for future. And so far, I wasn't disappointed. And hell, my biggest problem isn't even with the show itself.