What are the main differences between The Walking Dead comics and the TV show?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 574 times


What are the main differences between The Walking Dead comics and the TV show?

1 Answer


First, I want to put it out there that I am not done with the comics as I am still reading them. However, I have read far enough that I think I know where they are going with Season 6, Season 7 and possibly some of Season 8.

Second, I like how the show, Walking Dead, has used the comics. They have shown a lot of restraint in deciding when to adapt and when to go into a totally different direction from the source material. But it is not perfect.
What are the main differences between The Walking Dead comics and the TV show?
Well, I watched season 1 first then I read the comics.

  • Comics are way ahead of the show in terms of storyline. The ongoing season 8 is about the all-out war whereas the comics have moved two major story arcs ahead.
  • As I mentioned that the comics are depressing. A heavy support in the favour of the fact is that Judith dies along with Lori when governor attacked rick and group at the prison.
  •  The governor in the show looks like just a man who has been affected by his situations but for the governor of comics, you will not feel bad for him for a second as he is cruel as hell.
  • Andrea in a show is not liked by a lot of people. But Andrea in comics is going to be one of your favorite character

What are the main differences between The Walking Dead comics and the TV show?

  • Carol in the comics unlike the one in the TV show is very weak and ends up killing herself.
  • Sophia is alive. Carl is alive. Carl has a very significant role in the whisperer arc after an all-out war ends. The whole idea of whisperers will blow your mind. They are the humans wearing walker skins and living among them.

The current story arc of the comics is very interesting and has opened new set possibilities for the show. The latest volume goes by the name of new world order.


answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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