*National Girl Child Day*
On 24th of January, across the Indian Country, this day is been celebrated as the National Girl Child Day, for the consciousness between the people in accordance with the inequality which is been faced by the girl child of the community.
Reason for the celebration of this day…!

This particular day is in promotion for the status of girls in the society for enhancing their standards of living among the society civilians. It is really crucial to pull off the various types of social exploitation and bigotry that a girl usually suffers from in their lifetime. To expand the awareness about the importance of the girls right in the community, which is been spread on fire by the various community and political leaders who are giving a speech about girls right for their fundamental freedom and equal rights for education.
It is exceptionally vital for the young ladies to get maximum capacity, protected and empowering condition. They ought to know about all their lawful rights and the unavoidable issues facing everyone. They ought to know that they have the great training, nourishment and medicinal services rights. They ought to be very much aware of enactments including Domestic Violence Act 2009, Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006 and Dowry Prohibition Act 2006 keeping in mind the end goal to get their legitimate rights and face every one of the difficulties throughout everyday life.

In our nation, female education rate is as yet 53.87% and 33% of the adolescent young ladies are malnourished. Reproductive age groups ladies are iron deficient and experiencing different maladies in light of the sexual discrimination in the general public and constrained access to the wellbeing administrations. Different advances have been taken at national and state level by the Ministry of Women and Child Development to enhance the young lady tyke status through a scope of plans.

The Women & Child Development Ministry had carried-out a scheme which is recognized as “Dhanalakshmi” to permit the transfer of money to the girl-child family for the accomplishment of the basic requirements of the girl being which includes birth registration, immunization, maintenance up to the Class VIII and school enrolment. Well, as per the Right to Education Act which permits all the basic availability gratis for the educating the girl child.
"I am the Queen of all hearts and capable of winning the World!"
