A Super Moon, Blue Moon and a total lunar eclipse was observed on?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 423 times


A Super Moon, Blue Moon and a total lunar eclipse was observed on?

1 Answer


On January 31, 2018, a Super Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse and Blue Moon was observed.
In the Early Morning time at the Western Hemisphere and in the Evening at Eastern Hemisphere, all three i.e. Super Moon, Blue Moon, and Total Lunar Eclipse have been seen.
A Super Moon, Blue Moon and a total lunar eclipse was observed on?
This Celestial coincidence hasn’t happened at the Western Hemisphere in more than 150 years. Which means this phenomenon can be seen again the year 2037.
The Visible Super Moon appears 14% bigger in size and 30% brighter as compared to the full moon which occurs at the farthest point in the moon’s orbit. Sometimes totally Eclipsed Moons are also called “Blood Moons”.

answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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