What was the main objective of Green Revolution in India ?

Asked 7 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
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What was the main objective of Green Revolution in India ?

1 Answer


The Green Revolution was a significant milestone in India's agricultural history. It was a comprehensive program launched in the mid-1960s with the primary objective of increasing agricultural production and productivity through the adoption of modern technologies and practices. The program aimed to address India's food security challenges by increasing food production to meet the growing population's demands. In this article, we will discuss the main objective of the Green Revolution in India.

Before the Green Revolution, India was facing a severe food crisis. The country was not producing enough food to meet the growing population's demands, resulting in widespread hunger and malnutrition. The Green Revolution was, therefore, launched to address this issue by increasing agricultural productivity through the adoption of modern technologies and practices.

The main objective of the Green Revolution in India was to increase food production and achieve food security by introducing high-yielding varieties (HYVs) of crops, modern irrigation methods, and improved agricultural practices. The program focused on wheat and rice cultivation, which were the two most important staple crops in India at the time. The HYVs of these crops were developed through scientific research and experimentation, and they were capable of producing higher yields than traditional varieties.

The Green Revolution also aimed to promote the use of modern agricultural technologies and practices, such as the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and mechanized farming. These technologies were designed to increase crop yields, reduce crop losses due to pests and diseases, and improve soil fertility. The use of modern technologies also helped to reduce the labor-intensive nature of traditional farming practices and increase farm efficiency.

Another objective of the Green Revolution was to ensure that the benefits of modern agricultural technologies and practices reached small and marginal farmers. The program included training and extension programs that aimed to educate farmers about modern agricultural practices and technologies. These programs were implemented through agricultural universities, research institutions, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Overall, the Green Revolution in India was successful in achieving its primary objective of increasing agricultural production and productivity. It led to significant increases in food production, which helped to address India's food security challenges. The program also helped to modernize India's agriculture sector, making it more efficient, productive, and globally competitive.

Also Read:- Green Energy 

answered 1 year ago by Jujhar Singh
  1. The objective of the green revolution of India was mainly the increment of wheat and other grains to fulfill the requirement of the country. For that year Indian Farmers were not only given surplus wheat and also of great quality. - Sandra Emily 1 year ago

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