Separation of the Judiciary from the Executive has been provided in which part of the Indian Constitution?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 1016 times


Separation of the Judiciary from the Executive has been provided in which part of the Indian Constitution?

1 Answer


Article 50 of Part IV of the Indian Constitution says, “The state shall take steps to separate the judiciary from the executive in the public services of the state.” It is a Directive Principle of the State Policy and is not enforceable in the court of law. However, to throw some light to your question, you must read further.
The democracy of India stands on its three firm pillars, viz., Executive, Legislature and Judiciary.
Executive: They comprise of the elected and the permanent executives. Where on one hand, the Prime Minister and his Council of Ministers constitute the elected arm, the Civil Servants and officers of other grades comprise the permanent arm. As the name suggests, they are responsible for ‘executing’ the policies established by the lawmaking body.
Legislature: The policy-making body of India is known as the legislature. The chief role of the legislature is to introduce bills in the parliament, and then debate and discuss it in length before finally making it a law. It consists of the Representatives of the People whom we elect, and the government is expected to give explanations to the question raised by other elected members of the parliament.
Judiciary: The body which adjudicates is Judiciary. It is the independent body of the Government of India, with its prime objective being to uphold the Constitution and maintain the Rule of Law. It not only hears from the pleas of the people but is also the body which can declare any law null and void if it does not find it in the consonance with the Constitution. The Judiciary in India is comprised of an integrated body, meaning, the Supreme Court is the final and the ultimate court of law. Below it comes the High Courts of different States and Union Territories, followed by the District Courts.
To restrict influence in decision making, and to counterbalance the power of the Executive and Legislature, the practice of “Checks and Balances” was adopted by the framers of the Indian Constitution which says that the three spheres of the Government will have their own functions to perform and while no one will interfere in the working of the others. If Legislature or Executive do overstep, then the system will be checked and balanced by the Judiciary which will declare the act as unconstitutional.
Hence, the answer is not in a Part, but in the way, the Constitution was made.
Hope it helps!
answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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