With what idea?The Fundamental Duties were included in the Constitution .

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 796 times


With what idea?The Fundamental Duties were included in the Constitution .

1 Answer


The basic idea of Fundamental Duties in the Indian constitution was enshrined in the recommendation of the Swaran Singh committee which tells about the Idea to develop the moral obligations of all citizens and to promote feelings of patriotism and uphold unity of India.
With what idea?The Fundamental Duties were included in the Constitution .

The fundamental duties in the Indian constitution are not enforceable by law and also not punishable by the Law of the country. Hence there arises a question of why we need it?
To answer the question I will tell that the need for such duties in the constitutional country. As we can see that there is a constitution that covers all the sectors of the community and also is supremely in the Nation, hence there should be some responsibilities of the citizens towards their nation and their constitution. Hence to promote constitutionality among the Indians, the Fundamental duties were included in the constitution under the 42nd amendment of 1976 of the constitution.

There are a total of 11 fundamental duties in the constitution that are as follows. These fundamental duties are taken from Russia (USSR).

Every citizen of India should respect its Nationality and its arms like the National anthem, Flag, etc.
  • To respect the idea of National leaders
  • To safe, public property and should not violate public peace.
  • The parents and guardians must educate their children especially from the age of 6th to 14 years.
  • There are some of the Fundamental duties, and I have mentioned the important ones.

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answered 3 years ago by Sanjay Goenka

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