How can I promote business on social media?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 902 times


How can I promote business on social media?

1 Answer


Social Media is one of the most powerful tools in your Marketing Arsenal. To get maximum benefit from social media one should be very clear about what they are trying to achieve, who are their targeted customers, which all platforms and tools to use, and how the direct competition is doing.
If used correctly one can make a strong connection with their prospective customers.
Here are few essentials which are used to create a STRATEGY for Social media-

How can I promote business on social media?
1.Understand your Goals/Requirement- The first step is where you want to go with your social media. What is the purpose of your social marketing effort? Do you want more sales? Do you want to increase your Brand awareness? Do you want more traffic to your website? The goals aren’t mutually exclusive but one should focus on one or two.

2.    Create Measurable Goals- Set clear objectives for your goals. The objective should be smart, measurable ,relevant and time based.

3.    Identify your Customers- Targeting right people at the right time is the essence of social media marketing. Once you have goals and objective to achieve, and you know where you are going it is time to identify what source of audience you need. According to your niche, select what type of audience you need and how you can get it.

4.    SWOT analysis- It is a framework for analyzing your products Strength, Weakness, opportunities and threats. Look how your competitors are doing, Where they are posting? What sort of content they are using? Do they always talk about their product primarily or focus on other things? Which platform are they active on ? How often do they engage directly with the customer.

5.    Visibility on each and every social media platforms- Yes, it is important to have your presence on maximum social networks. But choosing the right platform to actively target your audience is necessary.

6.    Build a Content plan- Develop a strong content calendar that will give you engaging material. Try to come up with something fresh and new every time so that a user can engage more with your stuffs.

answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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