How can I change my life to an interesting life in social media and in my society?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 941 times


How can I change my life to an interesting life in social media and in my society?

1 Answer


Social media has many benifits but it is a very sharp tool when it starts playing on a person’s psychology. It constantly provokes you to remain in trend in relation to slangs, pic updates and partying every day and night.

How can I change my life to an interesting life in social media and in my society?

Sometimes that peer pressure becomes too much, and otherwise a normal person also tends to give in to its demands of looking and being perfect. Remaining unaffected at such platforms is highly challenging for few people. Still, if you avoid being trapped into its ruts, but still be an active part of it….

Write posts differently. By this I mean clicking on random nature, college, buildings, garden pics with a small your own style of description of what that place does to you or makes you feel! You might share the pics of the pages of few books or poems you read and share with nice tag lines. The best way to be known is by making friends and helping people.

"Interesting life on social media is a myth"

You might feel that a person's life is interesting by viewing the person's social media feed. But that is not true, the person is trying to predict that his/her life is interesting through his/her feeds. 
If a person is really cherishing his/her life, he/she wouldn't have time to update his/her social media profile.
And if we talk about interesting life in society, it is definitely possible.
It all depends upon the society you live in, people you interact with.
The first step to interesting life is to interact with people around you.
Make sure that you want to make an interesting life or potray that you have an interesting life.

answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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