Why are so many Brahmins leaving India for abroad?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 623 times


Why are so many Brahmins leaving India for abroad?

1 Answer


Brahmins, a prominent caste in India, have been leaving the country in increasing numbers to settle abroad. This trend can be attributed to a combination of push and pull factors.

One of the key push factors is the lack of economic opportunities in India. The Brahmin community, traditionally known for its expertise in education and knowledge-based professions, has faced a decline in job prospects due to the shift towards a more technology-based economy. Additionally, the competition for white-collar jobs in India has become increasingly fierce, leading many Brahmin professionals to seek better job prospects abroad.

Another factor contributing to the outflow of Brahmins from India is the increasing instances of social discrimination and violence against the community. Despite being one of the most educated and prosperous communities in India, Brahmins often face discrimination and prejudice in the workplace, in the political arena, and in everyday life. This has created a sense of marginalization and insecurity among many members of the community, leading them to seek a more stable and secure environment abroad.

The pull factors attracting Brahmins abroad include the availability of better educational and job opportunities, as well as a more open and inclusive society. Many Brahmins have found success and acceptance in countries such as the United States, Canada, and Australia, where their education and skills are valued and appreciated. Additionally, the high standard of living and better quality of life in these countries has also been a major factor in attracting Brahmins to settle abroad.

In conclusion, the migration of Brahmins from India to other countries is a complex issue that is driven by a range of push and pull factors. From a lack of economic opportunities and social discrimination in India to the availability of better job prospects and a more inclusive society abroad, the factors contributing to this trend are varied and interrelated. The phenomenon of Brahmin migration highlights the importance of addressing the underlying issues that are causing this community to seek a better life abroad. 


answered 2 years ago by Subhamay Ganai

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