Where did Lord Buddha breathe his last?

Asked 7 years ago
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Where did Lord Buddha breathe his last?

1 Answer


* Lord Buddha*

Where did Lord Buddha breathe his last?

Later in his life, after the 55th year of his life, Buddha was captured without a clear indication of the age he happened to be. Nevertheless, the events trailing in his age of 18 were captured and dated in the Maha Parinibbana Sutta.

Where did Lord Buddha breathe his last?

When Buddha entered in his 18th year, he sensed that his days in this world were near. Though he had gone through the malady and the old age deterioration similar to every other man, still he outstanding. Persisting with his mental power, he had achieved a progression via his mental training, which made him capable to overcome the pain and grief of his mortality. Buddha’s mind uses to shine just like a precious stone through his body was quite weaken.

Where did Lord Buddha breathe his last?

During the last days of his life, he pronounced to devote his life to a solitude and an elementary ambiance of Kusinaga, a minute village which exists in the northern part of India. He favored escaping behind the prosperous and lavish cities which includes Savatthi and Rajagaha along with their people, their traders, and the ruler.

The initial point of his journey to the nation was Rajagaha, recognized to be the capital of Magadha. He voyaged on foot, escorted by Venerable Ananda and many of his followers. It was a protracted voyage which included the travel of many villages and cities as the part of their itinerary. By this phase of his life, Yasodhara and Venerable Rahula had already demised, and so had his two Chief Disciples, Venerable Sariputta, and Venerable Moggallana.

Where did Lord Buddha breathe his last?

During his voyage, Gautam Buddh speculation turned to the well-being of the other friar. Many of his disciplines were in respect to tutoring on how the friar should perform to ensure that the instructions should be effective after his demise. He advised all his followers to practice all the veracity that came under his teachings.

One discipline that he was eminent about for his followers to follow was to practice the 7 factors of wisdom. Another thing he was very prominent about was the comparison of teachings with the Sutta and Vinayas.

There exist a prime teaching which again and again he focused on for his disciple to accept during his last travel. It was a sermon on the fruits of following the three divisions of the Noble Eightfold Pathprofound quality, fixation, and intelligence — which would enable his followers to put a conclusion to all sufferings.

Where did Lord Buddha breathe his last?


answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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