"Arrow vs Flash"
The competition will be a toughie one as both the characters are amazing in their own way as Barry has been beaten by design people before like skipper chilly, heatwave. In any case, that is mostly in light of the fact that other individuals were in a bad position or they had pre-planning. Which conveys me to my next point.
Oliver is a splendid strategist as you may have seen so many times in the Arrow series that to defeat a strong enemy how he makes exceptional strategies. So in the event that he could set up traps or apparatus in the earth around him, he could hit Barry with them.

Hostile to speed outfit, toward the finish of the four-night hybrid Oliver said something in regards to making Anti-speed bolts against Barry. It was a joke however we saw him have a bolt for this. A bolt that infused Nano-bots in the turnaround streak that was briefly ready to invalidate his speed. What's more, if that is the situation he could have more against speed bolts that we don't think about. Also, he's ready to get Barry and invalidate his speed Oliver could beat him since he's better to close by to hand battle.

Quality in numbers, Oliver has a considerable measure of partners from meta-people Black Canary, enchantment clients like Ragman, lady and Constantine, the restoring Hawkman and Hawlgirl, and a group of other all around prepared individuals like all of group bolt.
Also, we have seen numerous circumstances in the arrangement with both Barry and thawne we saw that they can be brought around different individuals. Thawne by The glimmer, firestorm, and the green bolt, and Barry when the greater part of the saints was mind controlled by the dominators.

The most straightforward answer is run. I don't have a clue about the range on Oliver's bow yet most compound bows have a range from 30– 40 yards. So if Oliver can get behind Barry at a separation he could beat him. Since even with Barry's speedier response time he can avoid what he can't see. Furthermore, this has been seeing ordinarily in the glimmer.

What's more, the last way I can see is Oliver gives Barry a final proposal. This appears like the most far-fetched choice yet none the less he can do. In the event that Oliver abducted Iris, Joe, Kaitlyn, and so forth and constrained Barry to surrender that would be a win. Oliver would likely never do it, however, Oliver is known to do urgent things.