Can Stephen Amell actually shoot a bow and arrow like he does in Arrow?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 823 times


Can Stephen Amell actually shoot a bow and arrow like he does in Arrow?

1 Answer


Yeah, Stephen Amell can actually shoot a bow and arrow like he does in Arrow TV series. I mean not exactly the way it’s been shown in the Arrow TV series but in real life, he is good enough in archery.

Can Stephen Amell actually shoot a bow and arrow like he does in Arrow?

A similar question has been asked to him in a recent interview and he laughingly gave a reply that he is not that bad in archery as archery skill is important of his character and he practices archery on a regular basis.

Can Stephen Amell actually shoot a bow and arrow like he does in Arrow?

He also stated that most of the people think that it’s a CGI effect when he shoots an arrow but most of the time it’s not like the way viewers think. Just like his other fitness session he usually practices Archery too.

answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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