The main objective of eradicating poverty was emphasized in several Five Year Plans in India, as poverty has been one of the country's biggest challenges since independence. However, the plan that specifically focused on poverty eradication was the Fifth Five Year Plan, which covered the period from 1974 to 1979.

The main objective of the Fifth Five Year Plan was to achieve rapid economic growth with a focus on social justice and equity. The plan recognized that poverty was a major obstacle to the country's development and aimed to reduce poverty through various measures.
One of the key strategies of the Fifth Five Year Plan was to increase the productivity of the agricultural sector, which was the primary source of livelihood for the majority of the population. The plan emphasized the need to improve irrigation facilities, provide better seeds and fertilizers, and increase credit availability to farmers. The aim was to increase agricultural production and raise the income of farmers, which would help reduce poverty in rural areas.
The plan also focused on the development of small-scale industries, which were seen as a key source of employment and income for the poor. The plan aimed to promote entrepreneurship among the poor by providing them with training, credit, and other support services.
In addition, the Fifth Five Year Plan emphasized the need to provide basic amenities such as education, healthcare, and housing to the poor. The plan aimed to increase investment in these areas, with a focus on reaching the most marginalized and disadvantaged sections of society.
The plan also recognized the importance of social welfare measures, such as food subsidies and employment guarantee schemes, in reducing poverty. The plan aimed to expand these schemes and make them more effective in reaching the poorest sections of society.
Overall, the Fifth Five Year Plan was a comprehensive effort to reduce poverty in India. While the plan did achieve some success in reducing poverty, progress was slower than anticipated due to various factors such as the global economic crisis and unfavorable weather conditions. However, the plan laid the foundation for subsequent efforts to reduce poverty in India, and poverty reduction remains a key objective of the country's development plans to this day.