What do you hate that everyone else loves?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 628 times


What do you hate that everyone else loves?

1 Answer


"Sleeping "

What do you hate that everyone else loves?

I literally found sleeping highly overrated. No wonder sleeping is necessary so obviously, I do the needful every day. Though if given a choice I'd rather stay up. I mean what is so exciting about an activity where you like almost ‘die' for a few hours, no consciousness! There are so many other things one could be doing! Something about sleep has always creeped me out.

I may enjoy the occasional nap or so but I don’t understand how people get 'excited ' about their nap time. Or how they choose to bide their holiday just sleeping through it. It is beyond me. Like I said I am guilty of it myself and with time I've begun to quite enjoy and understand the concept of 'napping' for hours.

It relaxes me and it is a good escape from the world at times. Although even then I see it as a relief/escape, not a 'fun activity', mind you! I'm not talking about the sleep after a day's hard work. Hell yeah, there is nothing more comforting than a welcoming bed. The thought of leaving behind all worries for those 8 hours every day is inviting. It helps us function and supports theories like ‘forgetting what happened yesterday' & 'today is a brand new day wonderfully.

However what I don't understand is all the love for 'sleeping for the heck of it!' I can’t. It is certainly not something I look forward to above everything else.

I am so tired
But I’ll probably be awake until 3 am for no reason….!

answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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