be a must-play for people wholove gaming.

1.Grand Theft Auto V/Online (Money! Money! Money! Money!!!!)
2.Tomb Raider (The Reboot was amazing)
3.Far Cry 3 (Awesome till Vass died, then the game became boring)
4.Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (Well them stunts….)

5.Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom pain (Venom Snake!!!!)
6.DMC: Devil May Cry (Dante in Back hair…..OH YEA, BRING IT ON)
7.The Elder’s Scroll V: Skyrim (everybody loves this, everyone plays this, for obvious reasons)
8.Deus Ex: Human Revolution (the future of Mankind)
9.Gears of War (Need a pair of and three on PC…just pair Microsoft….)
10.Fallout: NV (Fallout 3 and 4 were boring)