In simple words, spirituality is the process or set of processes which is related with satisfaction of life. It provides a deeper view suggesting that there is more to life than what people experience on a physical & sensory level. Which is why it is not a systematic procedure.
To put in simple words, it is a source of comfort for a lot of human beings who practice it.
• People often practice spirituality in their own way when they feel. There is no written document to the procedures and dos & don’ts to follow spirituality.
• Religion has a proper scripture or set of record to follow but spirituality doesn’t. Which clearly states that spirituality is different from religion.

If people start following spirituality in a ‘well-defined procedure’ then the motive behind this word would be lost. Everyone will start stating their own way and soon scriptures will emerge carrying the procedures of spirituality & why it is mandatory.
It is important to understand that following spirituality isn’t compulsory for anybody, people may or may not do it according to their will.
What is important is to be spiritual wholeheartedly. There are no rules or regulations to follow. If you see a blind man on the road confused while trying to cross, you may help him or leave him like that, it’s totally up to you. Similarly, if you want to reduce stress in your life or to connect with your inner self, you could mediate according to your choice (which is a practice of spirituality) or you could use other means like listening songs, watching movies or surfing as it suits you. There is no hard & fast rule and that’s why there is no procedure.
To know more, read:
What does it mean to be spiritual?