In Hinduism, what happens to the soul after death?

Asked 06-Mar-2018
Viewed 1043 times


In Hinduism, what happens to the soul after death?

    1 Answer


    Having a soul within each living organism is the most fundamental belief in human nature. Hinduism believes that our body is the external protection to the internal soul, residing within us. Among the Hindus, there are different beliefs for the soul, according to people’s personal state.

    As a person casts off worn-out clothes and puts on new ones, so does the atman cast-off worn-out bodies and enter new ones.”Bhagavad Gita

    In Hinduism, what happens to the soul after death?

    • Some believe that there is life after death as the soul transforms into another body. They believe in the concept of Karma, being a detrimental source in defining the merit of the soul. Whether a living being’s soul transforms into another body or not depends on Karmic actions. Their supreme belief is the concept of Atma being one with the Supreme Parmatma after attaining Salvation. Thus, for attaining Salvation, a soul has to go through many births and realms to purify itself. These rebirths and deaths depend on Karma only.
    “Even as water becomes one with water, fire with fire, and air with air, so the atman becomes one with the Infinite Atman (Brahman) and thus attains final freedom”- Maitri Upanishad

    • While others believe that death means ‘nothingness’. There is no sort of life/reincarnation after death. They believe in the concept of soul but hardly believe in Karma as the defining phenomenon.

    • On the other hand, some people hold the view that living beings are mortal beings & death is inevitable for them. Hence, whatever they leave behind them after death (things, views, thoughts, relations, contributions) will act as their source of immortality in this mortal world. They would be remembered in a lot of ways that is what exists after death according to them.

    In Hinduism, what happens to the soul after death?

    Whatever may be the truth there are numerous ways to believe in Hinduism groups of Theism and Atheism. The Indian Scripture Bhagavad Gita provides a great insight into the phenomenon of death-

    “For certain is the death of all that comes to birth, certain is the birth of all that dies. So in a matter that no one can prevent do not grieve.”
    This means that every living creature is mortal and has a definite lifetime. No one can avert that, thus, there is no use in grieving.