What are the best sites to buy books in India?

Asked 7 years ago
Updated 6 years ago
Viewed 1344 times


5 Answers


One of the best sites to buy books in India is bx-zone.com

From its books store you can buy books at discounts because it's a second hand bookstore where people list their old books for sale to people living around you.

It's a commission free website and is absolutely free to use.

answered 5 years ago by Ajay Nagar


There are many sites available to buy books in India.(including Amazon.in ) and i have tried many of them. The website that I personally liked the most is Snatch Books (www.snatchbooks.com). They provide second hand books at much lower price. I would recommend this especially if you are a college student and looking for cheaper options to purchase and rent books.

answered 5 years ago by Sanjay Tolani


To buy old books in India, the best one is BookMandee, which is unique and quite easy to use.
answered 5 years ago by Taranpreet Singh


https://www.mynextbook.in/ - big collection of books to buy with free shipping  

answered 6 years ago by roshan singh


lists of the best sites to buy books in India:
1. Amazone online bookstore: www.amazon.in
2. Flipkart online bookstore: www.flipkart.com
3. Snapdeal: www.snapdeal.com
4. Infibeam: www.infibeam.com
5. Shopclues: www.shopclues.com
6. Sapnaonline.com- get exciting offers that you dreamt of
7. Books.reddif.com- explore and read more
8. Rajkart.com- fill your cart with books
9. Buybooksindia.com- India’s online bookstore
10. Amarchitrakatha.com- enrich yourself culturally
11. Pustakkosh.com- One of the first textbook rental companies in India

I hope Its Informative...
answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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