Current Affairs basically means the news of recent things happening in our surrounding and in our world which affect us directly or indirectly. It could be anything such as a small business deal to an international terrorist attack and cover all topics including business deals, victories, failures, tragic incidents, corruption, political agreements etc.
Well, as we all go through a busy schedule staying updated with the current happenings affairs gets a bit tough. But if you put some effort and take out few minutes from your busy schedule you can get updated with the current affairs.
So if you are interested to know about international stuff I will suggest you to watch these channels on YoutTube Vox, NowThisWorld, and The Economist and for domestic stuff, you can go for Scroll, Quint and Whack on YoutTube.
Apart from YouTube you can engage yourself in reading a quality newspaper like The Hindu and The Times of Indian and even you can make the use of your smart application which notifies with each and everything happening in the whole world.
Cheers & All The Best!