What is the difference between Syrian Christians and Roman Christians?

Asked 7 years ago
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What is the difference between Syrian Christians and Roman Christians?

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Syrian Christians otherwise called St Thomas Christians, will be Christians from the season of the landing of St Thomas the missionary in 52AD. They were following the custom and supplications in Syriac dialect which is otherwise called Aramaic dialect, the dialect talked by Jesus Christ. Syrian Christians in India are situated in Kerala.
What is the difference between Syrian Christians and Roman Christians?
A portion of these Christians have later changed to trust in other transformed places of worship after the entry of teachers from Europe who gave more experiences from the Bible restoring the Church. Yet, those that kept the convention of antiquated Syrian Christians that had changed after some time because of Roman Catholic impacts are the Syrian Orthodox and Jacobite Syrian Church.

Roman Catholic church was framed in Rome with the impact of Roman Emperor and designating the Pope as their head. They take after their rituals or ceremonies in Latin. It was spread all through European provinces.

At the point when Portuguese landed in India, they were uninformed about Syrian Christians and thought they are blasphemers, they constrained their conviction of Roman Catholicism on them, the individuals who did not move were aggrieved and needed to move South from their residences close Kochi and Central Kerala to Central Travancore. They consumed antiquated compositions, looks about St Thomas' main goal and church history.

Those Syrian Christians who joined the Roman Catholics progressed toward becoming Syro Malabar Catholics. Furthermore, later a gathering of Syrian Christians excessively went along with them by tolerating the Pope as their head, they turned into the Malankara Syrian Catholics. The individuals who were changed over by Portuguese by joining their Church ended up Latin Catholics, which could be found in Portuguese settlements like Kochi, Mangalore, Goa, Mumbai and so on.

That is history about Christians in India, At that point the individuals who are Orthodox, Jacobites, Marthoma and so on are going by various Patriarchs and Metropolitan separately. While the Syrian Catholics and the Latin Catholics are going by the Pope in Rome.


answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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