There are many reasons why some people dislike Islam. Some of these reasons are based on ignorance or prejudice, while others are based on genuine concerns about the religion.
Ignorance and prejudice
One of the most common reasons why people dislike Islam is simply because they do not understand it. They may have heard negative stereotypes about Islam from the media or from other people, and they may not have had the opportunity to learn about the religion from a reliable source. This ignorance can lead to fear and distrust, which can easily morph into dislike or even hatred.

Concerns about terrorism
Another reason why some people dislike Islam is because of the association between Islam and terrorism. In recent years, there have been a number of high-profile terrorist attacks carried out by Muslim extremists. These attacks have understandably caused fear and anxiety among people in the West, and some people have come to see Islam as a violent and dangerous religion.
It is important to note, however, that the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful and law-abiding citizens. They do not condone terrorism, and they are just as horrified by these attacks as anyone else. In fact, many Muslims have spoken out against terrorism and have worked to counter the negative stereotypes that have been associated with their religion.
Issues with Islamic law
Some people also dislike Islam because of their concerns about Islamic law, or Sharia. Sharia is a complex and nuanced system of law that governs many aspects of Muslim life, including family, marriage, criminal law, and financial transactions. Some people believe that Sharia is incompatible with Western values, and they worry that its implementation would lead to discrimination against women and religious minorities.
It is important to note, however, that there is no single, monolithic interpretation of Sharia. Different schools of Islamic thought have different views on how Sharia should be applied, and there is a great deal of diversity within the Muslim world in terms of how Sharia is actually implemented. In many cases, Islamic law is compatible with Western values, and it can even be used to protect the rights of women and religious minorities.
There are many reasons why some people dislike Islam. Some of these reasons are based on ignorance or prejudice, while others are based on genuine concerns about the religion. It is important to be aware of these reasons in order to have a productive dialogue about Islam and to challenge negative stereotypes. It is also important to remember that the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful and law-abiding citizens, and that they do not condone terrorism or violence.