What are the most interesting games you can play on a paper with a friend or a group of friends?

Asked 7 years ago
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What are the most interesting games you can play on a paper with a friend or a group of friends?

1 Answer


"Pen and Paper Games"

What are the most interesting games you can play on a paper with a friend or a group of friends?

Though things are now evolved and folks are more into gadgets and digital kinds of stuff but then too the essence of playing pen and paper games along with the group of your favorite budds is impeccable. I still remember that before these supersonic games entered in our life our best time pass was playing pen paper games like “Dot and boxes”, “Tic Tac Toe” and “Sim”. 

What are the most interesting games you can play on a paper with a friend or a group of friends?

These games were our savior especially when we were not allowed to go outside for playing cricket, football or any sort of other outdoor games.

Listing down the names two pen and paper games which I have played the most:

Dots and Boxes
What are the most interesting games you can play on a paper with a friend or a group of friends?
Keep in mind the time it took to frame a variety of spots over the page? To play Dots, you require a square of spots on the page (begin with 6×6 and challenge your children to go up to at least 30×30). Once the square is made, players (at least 2) alternate with an alternate shading pen making line fragments between specks.

At the point when a player frames a square with their line, they may put their underlying in that square and play once more. The amusement proceeds until the point that every one of the lines between the spots has been drawn.

Tic Tac Toe
The straightforward round of tic tac toe is a two player session of Xs and Os. Play starts with nine spaces on a paper made by intersection two opposite arrangements of two parallel lines. One player starts (alternate being the main player) by putting an X in one square.

The following player attracts an O another square. The amusement proceeds until there are three Xs or Os in succession or all squares are filled– a draw diversion, additionally called cats.


answered 6 years ago by Anonymous User

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