Well, the list is really long coz I am a kind of a boy who never plays a game following the rules and regulations. See games are the place where you can just be yourself, you are independent no matter what stuffs you are trying or performing you are just free.
Well, I am sharing one such moment where I messed up the whole game. So have ever you have played any Assassins Creed amusements, if you have played it you must be knowing that an individual is not supposed to kill the normal civilians, and the recreations put forth an admirable attempt to remind you not to, by flying up sufficiently enormous messages saying "Don't..", resetting your advance to the last checkpoint on the off chance that you execute too much, or notwithstanding murdering you by and large.

Be that as it may, in Assassins Creed 1, after you finish the amusement, this confinement is lifted and you can kill anybody without any punishments. Note that the bodies don't vanish except if you move really far from them.

So what did I do subsequent to completing the diversion? I went to the greatest city in the amusement and went on a flat-out murdering binge on anything that moved. Also, when you begin murdering individuals, monitors begin producing in to attempt to stop you and there is no conclusion to them. I did this for well more than 3 hours.

When I halted the slaughter for a brief period, I would remain on a housetop and watch the lanes underneath for any development, similar to a hawk looking for prey maybe. When I spotted development, I swooped down like a blessed messenger of death and conveyed discipline.

When I was done the avenues were covered with NPC assortments of different sorts and my poor Xbox 360 was scarcely ready to render them all. On the off chance that you took a gander at the television screen, you would think an incredible fight occurred here. This slaughter extended on the majority of the city lanes. The roads were canvassed in a cover of death and rotting human carcasses.