Today, in this part-time life keeps us engaged in a crowd of people throughout the day, but a pathetic kind of loneliness and peace keeps us distracted and drained. Because our routine becomes so busy that we cannot find time for ourselves. Nothing moves on our mind throughout the day. One day that can take the form of a mental illness, which is called depression.
There is a misconception about depression or brain disorder that it is only those who have had a major accident in life or who have many reasons for being unhappy. Folks around you frequently ask you, "Why do you have depression? What is lacking in your life? '' It is completely wrong. During a depression period, the reduction of the formation of hormones such as oxytocin in the human body is reduced.

This is the reason that you are not happy even in the depression. You must have seen a person who talks to himself or someone and a person who always talks about death. People crying out on every little thing such people are victims of depression or mental discomfort.

Symptoms of depression
- If you do not remember when you were last time happy .
- If you feel your daily routine things like getting up from bed or bathing is a task.
- You have started cutting yourself from people.
- You hate yourself and want to end yourself.
- If you search for ways to suicide on Google in addition to these things then you should get help immediately. "
"All the best"