What does meditation do to your brain/mind?

Asked 7 years ago
Updated 7 years ago
Viewed 907 times


What does meditation do to your brain/mind?

1 Answer


Meditation, as believed by many, is not turning into a new leaf over a period of time. It’s something greater in sense. Meditation means mindfulness. People meditate for various reasons; to relax, to create awareness, to achieve a sensitivity, to achieve dynamism. But a more important question is- what does meditation do to our mind?
Mind is an abstract concept, it isn’t physical. Thus, how you treat your mind assures how your mind treats your body. Performing yoga, pranayama, various exercises are ways of keeping the body agile and fit; similarly Meditation is the exercise for your brain. Meditation isn’t about becoming a different or a better person. It’s about training your mind in the right direction of awareness towards your soul and your sense of self. One doesn’t try to turn off his thoughts or feelings, instead observes them silently and tries to understand them. Once to learn how to understand your own self, you will get a better understanding of the world around you.
Meditation is mindfulness, it’s an ability to be present in the moment, to rest your mind and yet engage the best in whatever comes your way.
Meditation helps our mind and in return, our body, in numerous ways:
  • We stop overthinking and start better-thinking. We try to understand and separate ourselves from materialistic desires.
  • We tend to motivate our minds more towards learning and understanding than just repetitive memorization.
  • We may be physically tired but our mind remains sound and energetic even after a long day.
  • The changes may not be observable but they are notable. We start to notice the change within ourselves. We experience the calmness and peace in our mind. We feel more connected with ourselves, our soul. When to start to believe who we truly are then we derive the purpose of our being. Meditation doesn’t always mean sitting at a place with eyes closed and chanting mantras… it means experiencing our core inner self through any means. 
You start to think of questions you never knew...you start to find answers you never had. 
That's what mediation does- it improves our efficiency in whatever we are set to do.

answered 3 years ago by Anonymous User

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