Which is the second largest moon in our solar system?

Asked 7 years ago
Viewed 496 times

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Titan is the second-largest natural satellite in the Solar System and it is the largest Moon of Saturn.

Which is the second largest moon in our solar system?

After the Ganymede, Jupiter’s Moon is the biggest among all the Moons in our Solar System. In the next position as we move down is the ‘Titan’ which is the second-largest Moon of the Solar system. The mass of this Moon is 80% bigger than the earth’s Moon and in terms of Diameter, it is 50 % bigger than the earth’s.

This was discovered in 1655 by a Dutch astronomer named Christiaan Huygens. It is one of the seven Mon of the planet Saturn and the second most distant from Saturn. It is the first known moon of Saturn.
Titan is mainly made up of ice and Rocky material and sometimes it can be differentiated as the rocky core which is surrounded by the layers of ice and also it has ammonia-rich water on the surface of it. The atmosphere of Titan is mostly similar to earth’ because it contains mostly Nitrogen in its atmosphere and also wind and water.

Orbit and rotation
Titan takes 15 days and 22 hours in the context of earth time to cover the full orbit of Saturn. It is locked in the synchronous rotation with Saturn and it shows the same face as to its orbit. The Titan takes a total of 29 earth years to complete the orbit of the Sun and it is called the one ‘Saturnian year’ and the axis of rotation of this is tilted a little bit as same as earth.

Size and distance
The radius of titan is about 2575 Km and is nearly 50% bigger than the Moon of earth. The distance of titan from Saturn is 1.2 million Km. and the Saturn’s Moon distance from the Sun is about 1.4 billion Km. the Sun light takes about 80 minutes to reach the Titan.

Read More: Explain All Planets?

answered 3 years ago by Sanjay Goenka

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