The planet ‘Jupiter’ has the ‘Great Red Spot’

This is a storm in the Southern Hemisphere with Crimson-colored clouds and it spins counterclockwise at wind speed that exceeds those in any storm on the earth.
It has been changed from some past years and now it is 1.3 times wide than our planet. His vibrant color becomes special for his appearance and it can be easily noticed by any visionary.
The Great Red Spot was found in the mission of NASA named NASA's Juno mission which shows the planet has the Great Red Spot. The data returned from the Juno is told that the Root of this Storm is spread up to 200 miles in its atmosphere which is 320 Km.
On comparing with the earth’s typical tropical cyclone which is only 9 miles from the ground of earth.
The original image of this spot was taken on 20 July 2019 and the Juno completed the 21st fly in the orbit during capturing the image. And the distance at the time of taking the image was 43000 Km from the surface of Jupiter.
Interesting facts about Jupiter
- Massive
- The size of Jupiter is 318 times the mass of the earth and in fact, it is 2.5 times more massive than the planets combined in one.
- Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system due to its mass and size it revolves at the speed of 45,300 Km per hour and it takes only 10 hrs to complete the one revolution in its axis.
- Jupiter’s Magnetic Field is 14 times stronger than the earth. The scientist believed that the Magnetic field was generated through the Eddy current.
- Jupiter has 67 Moons. This number of the Moons is confirmed and still, many Moons are in the illustration but the estimated numbers are about 200.
- We can see Jupiter with our own eyes. With his highest mass and structure. It has the third-largest brightest power in the solar system.