The science of ‘Chemistry’ sometimes called the ‘Central Science’ due to its skill which joins the two Sciences Together like Physics and Mathematics, Biology and Medicine, the earth and environmental science.

Why one should study Chemistry?
Whenever we think about our existence till the end of our life, only chemistry is the name that exists with us. The means of this line is we are surrounded with the materials whose study is dealt with the subject of Chemistry.
When do we talk about the existence of earth and the age of the earth, the first question that arises in our mind that how we will know and calculate its age? The answer to the question is Chemistry. Yes, I am right because the method ‘Carbon Dating’ which we will use comes under the study of Chemistry.
Similarly, our basic existence may be air (O2), water (H2O), clothes, food, etc. is made up of Chemistry.
In the above lines I have discussed the basic importance of Chemistry, now if I come to the Aiding behavior then I will inculcate the subject of Medicines which are used in the large quantity and also plays a very important role in the health system of Human is made up of Chemical materials.
Chemistry as a central science
As we have discussed above that the reason why this is called central science is just that it joins together biology and Medicine, earth and environmental science, Physics, and Mathematics.
Instead of this fact, there are also many reasons due to which entangled with it.
The study of Chemistry made one in a very useful full manner to enhance its life. A person who has graduation knowledge about Chemistry can have a professional position in any institution, educational hub, industry, public service. In our surroundings, we can generally find the Chemist store near the colony which shows the employment rate of the Chemistry. Included these points there are many reasons due to which it becomes the Central Science.